Which was widely touted as a pro - business lobby 实际上是在说明上次选
Grand business lobby , represents business image of enterprise 气派商务大堂,铸造企业的形象生产力。
Best of all , set a carbon tax , which is less susceptible to capture by business lobbies than is a cap - and - trade system 最好的是设定一项碳排放税,此税相比“总量管制和排放交易体系”更不容易受商业游说的影响。
Meanwhile , under pressure from their business lobbies , europe and america have also emerged as the two places with the biggest stake in setting global regulatory standards 同时,在他们商业利益集团压力下,欧洲和美国还以全球最大游戏规则制定者的身份出现。
Business image is vital to office building . business lobby of noble center , 12 meters high and designed by master , spacious and prestigious , will project confidence into your business identity 对写字楼而言,商务形象也是生产力。诺德中心,气派商务大堂,大师之作,层高12米,空间开敞通透,堂皇尊贵,充分印证企业身份。